Dr. Sumathi with 8th grade Science teachers (from L to R): Jody Salisbury, Steve Boardman & Janice Corley.
He launched his talk by talking about lab safety and discussed the current class topic of chemical and physical changes. He challenged students as to the state of matter of a tomato, then froze it in CO2/water and shattered it. He showed how CO2 gas (made from dry ice and water) could put out flames and made a flame using nothing more than a battery and fluffy steel wool!
He lit magnesium and extinguished with CO2, made a precipitate with silver nitrate, blew and bent glass, made thin drawn pipettes and created foam with soap/water to challenge students to think about what state of matter foam might be. This began a great discussion of how foam was a hot area of research right now- NASA has a product that is so light it floats in air but can withstand the blast of a blow torch!